1. Gardens of ParadiseCreated from Gold Prospective residents described in qur'an Al - Mukminun (1 -11)a) People - people who maintain and fervent in prayer.b) People - people who shy away from the words and deeds is useless.c) People - people who pay zakatd) People - people who take care of his cock, except for his wives.e) The person - who maintain the mandate and keeping promises.
2. Heaven Adn/Residents of Diamond White created:a) People who are devoted to Allah (Surat an-Nahl: 30-31)b) Those who believe and work righteous (Surah Taha: 75-76)c) People who do good (Surah Fatir: 32-33)d) People who are impatient, menginfakkan his property and repay evil with goodness (Surah Ar Rad :22-23).
3. Heaven Na'imCreated from Silver WhiteInhabitants: People who fear Him and work righteousness (Sura Al Qalam34, Luqman 8, Surat Al Haj 56).
4. Heaven Ma'waCreated from zamrut Green Residents:a) People who are devoted to Allah (Surah An-Najm 15)b) Those who believe and do righteous berama (Surat as-Sajda 19)c) People who are afraid of the greatness of Allah SWT and exhaustively withstand bad weather (Surah An Naziat 40-41).
5. Heaven DarusslamCreated from Yakut RedPenhuninya: The Strong and the Islamic faith, the verses -Qur'anic verses and practice it in daily life - the day because Allah SWT (Surah Al An'am 127).
6. Heaven Darul MaqamahCreated from Jewel WhiteInhabited by people who kebaikkannya very much, and very rarely do wrong ..
7. Heaven Maqaamul Al AmeenCreated - from Gold.Inhabited by people whose faith has been reachedMuttaqien the people who truly fear Him (Surah Ad Dukhanoyr2 '.15).
8. Heaven EternityCreated from Marjan Red and Yellow Residents are people who obey the commandments of God and eschewed ban (Surah Al Furqan 15).2
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