Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Qualities of Prophet Muhammad SAW

Physical ProphetHas been issued by Ya'qub ibn Sufyan al-Faswi of Al-Hasan bin Ali ra. he said: I once asked my uncle (from mother side) Hind ibn Abu Halah, and I knew the king was very clever mensifatkan behavior Prophet, but I'd love to falsely attributed to me something of his nature that I can mencontohinya, then he said:
The Prophet was a great person who always glorified, beaming moon at night purnamanya decent, not high enough terialu striking, not too short, her field, her hair is always neatly between straight and wavy, and extending to the edge of the ear, dense, black color, broad forehead, brow smooth tapering separate between them, that when the king angrily looks like bercantum, aquiline nose, it seems to radiate light, bushy beard, both of his eyes black, soft and smooth cheeks, thick mouth, clean white teeth and rarely, in his chest grew feathers smooth, elongated neck, a simple shape, burly big man again, equally between his stomach and chest, broad chest, wide between the shoulders, spine large, clean skin, between chest and head full of feathers smooth, on both tits and belly clean of feathers, being in his arms and shoulders and over her chest too hairy, long arms, his palms wide, delicate bones, fingers and palms of both hands feet thick contains meat, long fingers, hollow soles of her feet not touching the ground when the king goes, and feet soft and smooth no folds, as if the high water were gushing thereof, when he lifted his legs lifted gently (do not like the way people brag) , went one-on-one and slowly, the long-term steps such as people who stepped over the precipice, when turned with all his body, his eyes often to the earth, the king looks more look towards the earth rather than look to the sky, the king rarely noticed something with too long, always go hand in hand with her friends, always initiate greetings to anyone he meets.
Traditions of the ProphetI said also: Sifatkanlah me about her habit! Replied my uncle: Was the Prophet seems like people are always sad, always a lot of thinking, never beristirshat long, do not talk when there is no necessity, a lot of silence, talk and spend it commences with all mulutnva, said Her full pearl mauti manikam, one-on-one sentence, it is no exaggeration or continue to decrease, not meek grossly abusive or insulting themselves, constantly raising small favors though, never denounced any favors or overly praise him, no one could relieve angry, humiliated if something of the truth so that he can defend.
In another narration, it is said that the king became angry kerana something world affairs or anything related to him, but when the king was humiliated to see the truth, no one can surpass his anger, so that the king can defend kerananya. Majesty was never angry for her, or something for the sake of defending himself, when mengisyarat presupposed by all her palm, and when the king was amazed reversed his palm, and collected when talking to devote his right palm on the thumb of his left hand, and when angry king king continued to turn away from the direction of the cause he was angry, and when the king happily screwed his eyes, mostly ketawanya is to smile, laugh, and when the king, the king laugh like a cold dew.
Al-Hasan said: All these qualities in me I keep the old as well. Then I spoke about it to the Al-Husayn ibn Ali, and I find It has been first asked my uncle about what I ask it. And he also had asked my father ('Ali bin Abu Talib ra.) About how to exit and enter the king's majesty, about how his seat, instead of everything about the Prophet Muhammad.
Prophet's houseAl-Hasan said ra. again: I never asked my dad about the inclusion of the Prophet and he replied: entry into the house when it is specifically allowed for him, and when the king was in his era shared three parts. A special section for Allah ta'ala, one part for his wives, and one part for himself again. Then made the fullest part for himself with the affairs of which the human, the time spent to serve all the people who lay and special, no one is distinguished from the others.
Between temperament when serving the ummah, the king always gives attention to people who primarily for dididiknya, they served themselves according to their respective advantages in religion. There are no two keperluannya one, and there are more than that, then the king would sit down with them and serve them all affairs relating to themselves and the interests of the Ummah in general, try to show them what you need and tell them what is worth done for the benefit of all people by reminding them, "Let anyone who is present convey to anyone who was not present. convey Remember me needs people who can not deliver their own, because that conveys the purpose Anybody who can not submit to a ruler for itself, undoubtedly Allah will set both his heels in the Day of Judgment ", nothing mentioned in there just the things that is like that only.
Sire of speech does not accept anything but something for his community beneficiaries. They came to him as the people who make pilgrimages, but they are not leaving it to contain. In another narration they not split up but after gathering much avail, and they came out of his association as an expert in matters religious affairs.
Outcomes ProphetAl-Hasan said r.a. again: Then I asked about the situation outside, and what they make? The answer: It was the Prophet Muhammad when outside, always lock the tongue, except if there is an interest in his community. Majesty always be nice to them, and not rude in speech. Majesty always glorify the chairman every tribe and people and put each in their proper place. Sometimes remind people crowded the king, but the king always keep their hearts in order not dinampakkan on them other than a sweet face and a noble moral. Sire is always asking his friends if they did not come, and always inquire of the news and what ditanggunginya crowded. Which is both praised and encouraged, and where the bad heckled and prevented.
Majesty always be mid in all things, not many argue, never fails that they too do not like negligent or perverted, all well and maintained his case, never underestimate or deviate from the truth, the people who always accompanied him was the most well behavior, which is seen beside the main, most can advise, the highest position, most are willing to sacrifice and help in what circumstances though.
Majlis ProphetAl-Hasan said ra. again: I then asked them about the Prophet's house and how? The answer: That the Prophet SAW did not sit in the assembly something, or get up from it, but the king king's remembrance to Allah SWT never choose a certain place, and forbade the request is placed in a particular place. When the king came to something where, that's where the king sat thus completed the assembly and the king ordered to make it that way. When dealing with people crowded given to everyone with eyes equally, so that the people who were in his association felt that nobody would have given him more respect. If there are people who come to him kerana needs something, or something masliahat, the king continued to serve with patience hinggalah him up and back.
Sire is never emptied of people who ask for something the purposes thereof, if there is given to him, and if no answered with words that do not disappoint her. Budipekertinya very good, and its behavior is truly wise. His Majesty regarded everyone as a father, and they were seen at the sides are all the same in terms of their correctness, even-handed. Welcoming all of his association, shy-Silu, patiently waiting, trustful, never heard a high voice, not made her everything dilarangi, not referred to the disgust and bad, all the same except with an excess of piety, all humble self, the old honored the young, and the young are blessed parents, who need to always take precedence, strange always come first.
Al-Hasan said ra. again: I was then asked about the behavior of the Prophet Muhammad to the people who always sit together with him? The answer: It was the Prophet Muhammad always jolly person, easy pekertinya serv, seialu prostrate-soft, not harsh or cruel, rude or not like yelling, no dirty words, no more joking or confabulate not soon forget what she likes, never disappoint those who expect him, do not like to make people despair. Very clear in his behavior following three cases. Majesty does not like criticizing and memburukkannya. Majesty does not like looking for people and not taint one's talking about except that bring benefit and results in rewards.
When the king spoke, everyone who is in his association watched intently as if birds were tertengger over their heads. When the king stopped talking, they had first to speak, and when he spoke anyway, all of them dwelling stonewalling. They never fight in front of him. Majesty laughed when he saw them laughing, and the king was amazed when they were amazed. Sire is always patient when visited by people who are often abusive badwi and pushy when asking for something mahu thereof without succumbing or wait, so sometimes his friends get annoyed and not happy, but the king still soothe them by saying: "If you're someone who needs to come dapati , you ought to help him and not at him! ". His Majesty also do not expect praise than who he helps, and if they want to praise him too, the king does not encourage to do so. Majesty never talked Anybody else cut so that he finished talking, and then the king spoke, or the king away from that place.
Silence of the ProphetAl-Hasan said r.a. again: I was also asked about his silence, how did she? The answer: Silent Prophet depends on four things to consider, namely: kerana civilized manners, kerana careful, kerana consider something between humans, and kerana bertafakkur. The reasons consideration is kerana equation in vision and hearing among men. As for tafakkurnya on what is eternal and that perish. And also collect the properties peribadinya politeness and patience. There is not anything that may cause him to be angry, or make hate. And collected in peribadinya conscientiousness in four cases, namely: Love makes good things and implement them for the benefit of mankind in matters relating to their ehwal mahupun world hereafter, that can be modeled by others. Majesty left the poor, and not made to be shunned by the others. Intent on finding a good way to serious benefits his community, and doing what it can bring benefits for his community, good for the world nor for the Hereafter.
(Excerpt Thabarani - Majma'uz-Zawa'id 8:275)

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