Wednesday, May 1, 2013

8 Heaven and degree

8 Heaven and degreeThe Heaven (Al-Jannah) Somewhere in the netherworld filled with safety, well-being, pleasure, enjoyment, happiness, and the glory of the Almighty promises abadi.Allah this place for His servants are faithful and devoted to Nya.Nama-name heaven, levels and prospective residents:
1. Gardens of ParadiseCreated from Gold Prospective residents described in qur'an Al - Mukminun (1 -11)a) People - people who maintain and fervent in prayer.b) People - people who shy away from the words and deeds is useless.c) People - people who pay zakatd) People - people who take care of his cock, except for his wives.e) The person - who maintain the mandate and keeping promises.
2. Heaven Adn/Residents of Diamond White created:a) People who are devoted to Allah (Surat an-Nahl: 30-31)b) Those who believe and work righteous (Surah Taha: 75-76)c) People who do good (Surah Fatir: 32-33)d) People who are impatient, menginfakkan his property and repay evil with goodness (Surah Ar Rad :22-23).
3. Heaven Na'imCreated from Silver WhiteInhabitants: People who fear Him and work righteousness (Sura Al Qalam34, Luqman 8, Surat Al Haj 56).
4. Heaven Ma'waCreated from zamrut Green Residents:a) People who are devoted to Allah (Surah An-Najm 15)b) Those who believe and do righteous berama (Surat as-Sajda 19)c) People who are afraid of the greatness of Allah SWT and exhaustively withstand bad weather (Surah An Naziat 40-41).
5. Heaven DarusslamCreated from Yakut RedPenhuninya: The Strong and the Islamic faith, the verses -Qur'anic verses and practice it in daily life - the day because Allah SWT (Surah Al An'am 127).
6. Heaven Darul MaqamahCreated from Jewel WhiteInhabited by people who kebaikkannya very much, and very rarely do wrong ..
7. Heaven Maqaamul Al AmeenCreated - from Gold.Inhabited by people whose faith has been reachedMuttaqien the people who truly fear Him (Surah Ad Dukhanoyr2 '.15).
8. Heaven EternityCreated from Marjan Red and Yellow Residents are people who obey the commandments of God and eschewed ban (Surah Al Furqan 15).2

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And How The Hell Expert


Abul-Layth narrated by narrators from Abu Hurairah ra said: The Messenger s.a.w. He said: "The fire of hell has been turned on for a thousand years so red, then followed a thousand years so white, then followed a thousand years so dark like a dark night."
Narrated Yazid bin bahawa Martsad always crying that never dried her tears, and when asked, then answered: If God Almighty memanjarakan threatened me in the shower cubicle for a thousand years. nescaya rightly tears did not stop then how are now threatening to put me in the fire of hell that has been turned on for three thousand know. "
Abul-Layth narrated by  from
narrators Mujahid said: "Surely there is a cistern on jahannam/hell contains snakes by the neck of a camel and when kaldai, they ran the hell keular expert when once touched by his lips peeled straight hair, skin and nails and they can not survive unless the bite was run into hell. "
Abdullah bin Jubair narrated the Prophet bahawa He said: "Hell no bahawa in snakes by the neck camel, if biting it still feels a sense of redih usually up to forty years. Also in hell there is time for kaldai, if the bite will sting venom for forty years."
Al-Wahab bin a'masy of Yasid of Ibn Mas'ud said: "Verily the party of your fire seventy parts of the fire of hell, and that if it is not cooled in the sea twice nescaya you can not use it."
Mujahid said: "Verily, this your fire refuge in Allah from the Hell Fire." Prophet s.a.w. said: "Surely as light-light punishment experts namely a hell of fire berkasutkan uninformed, and can boil his brain, his ears as if there was a fire, and his teeth and lips there wap fiery flame, and his intestines came out from under him, even he felt bahawa he was the toughest of all expert siksanya hell, but he was very light siksanya hell of all experts. "
Abul-Layth narrated by Abdullah bin Amr sanadnya of ra said: "People call Angel Malik hell but not answered for forty years, and then answered:" bahawa you reside in hell. "Then they pray (call) the Lord:" O Lord, remove us from this hell, then when we repeated our deeds that we do wrong then it bererti. "So do not be answered during the life of this world two times, and then answered:" Hina dinalah you in hell and do not speak. "
By Allah after that no one can speak even one sentence, being the only audible breathing complaints and cries moans that their voices sound almost equal himar (kaldai).

Qatadah said: "O my people, do you feel bahawa it will definitely hit on you, or you will feel stronger to face. O my people, obedient to Allah it is much easier for you kerana it, obey it because the expert hell would later complain during a thousand years but it is not useful to them, then they say: "In the past when we were in the world, when our patient gradually got relief and spaciousness, they then endure a thousand years, and still they do not torment lightened so they say: Ajazi'na am Sobarna Malana min mahish (The mean) Are we complaining or impatient, can not evade punishment ini.Lalu for rain for a thousand years are very thirsty and hot hell then they prayed for a thousand years, then Allah swt said to Gabriel: "What are they asking for? '. Jibril replied: "You better know, O God, they ask for rain." Then look at those red clouds so they thought it would rain, then sent to their sea anchor for kaldai, which they bite and sting bite it for a thousand years. Then they ask God s.w.t. for a thousand years to rain down, then they appear black cloud, they thought it was going to rain bahawa, suddenly fell to the snakes of their camels, which they bite and bite until it feels the pain of a thousand years, and this does that mean: Zidnahum adzaba fauqal adzabi. (The mean) We add to their doom on punishment.
Kerana they formerly had disbelieve, distrust and violate Allah demands, kerana that then anyone who wants to survive the punishment of Allah swt have to wait a while for all the suffering in the world and away from obeying Allah ban and restrain the passions of lust overwhelmed because heaven hell lusts.
A pejungga said: "In old age it was quite the experience to keep people quiet of childishness, when the fire of  the hair  (gray). I saw one that wants a quiet life when a tree branch has yellowed after green. Repudiated rotten friend and be careful, do not contact him but if not, then take heart-his heart, and berkawanlah on honest people but do not like to deny it, you will certainly like selma you do not deny him. Berkawanlah with the noble and the good moral budinya. "
So who is doing good for people who are not virtuous mind bererti he had thrown it into the sea. And God s.w.t. heaven has a wide sky but diputi with difficulties.
Abul-Layth narrated by Abu Hurairah ra  said: "The Prophet Muhammad said:" God called the Angel Gabriel and told him to see heaven with all the preparations for the expert, then when returning Jibril said: By Your glory, no one who heard it but he will enter into it, then covered with versatile difficulties, and told see Gabriel again, then go back to see it, then he said: By Your glory I no thought in case no one who enters into it. Then told to see hell and all that is provided to the experts, then back Gabriel and said: By Your glory will not fit into those who have heard it, and then covered with syahwatnya satisfaction, and ruled that saw back then after seeing again, berkatanya: I no thought that there is no it will fit into this one. "
Also Prophet Muhammad said: "You might call about hell as you please, then you are not calling the fire of hell but it's something far more horror and harder thereof."
Abul-Layth narrated by 
narrators of Maimoon bin Nahran said: "When it comes down paragraph (which reads) Wa inna lamau'iduhum ajma'in Hell (which mean) Truly Jahannam Hell it as a threat to all of them. Salman put his hands over his head and ran out a new three-day ditemuikannya.
Yazid Arraqqasyi of Anas bin Malik r.a. said: "Jibreel came to the Prophet Muhammad during which no ordinary coming, in a state that changed his face, then was asked by the Prophet Muhammad:" Why do I see you change your face? "Gabriel replied:" O Muhammad, I come to you at the time of where God told that kindled the fire of hell, then it is not worth it for people who know bahawa Hell Hell is true, it's true torment of the grave, God's biggest punishment to be happy before he feels safe from it. "Then the Prophet said:" O Jibril , explain to me the nature of Hell. "He replied:" Yes, when God made Hell for a thousand years then switched to red, then followed a thousand years until white, then a thousand years so black, so black it was dark, and the flame was never extinguished the flames. By Allah that you delegate to the right, suppose nescaya open pinhole will be able to burn all of the world's population kerana heat. By Allah that you delegate to the right, suppose an expert outfit hell was hung between heaven and earth, the earth's population will die nescaya kerana heat and flames. By Allah who has sent you with the right, suppose the wrist of a chain called Allah in the Koran placed on a hill nescaya be disbursed until the bottom of the seventh earth. By Allah who sent you with the right, suppose a western dihujung tormented nescaya will burn those who dihujung east kerana very hot, it was in Hell and iron jewelry and drink hot water mixed with pus and pieces of clothing fire. Hellfire that there has seven doors, each door there is a certain section of men and women. "
Prophet Muhammad asked: "Are the doors like the doors of our homes?" He replied: "No, but it is always open, setangahnya below the other, from door to door travel distance seventy thousand years, each door is hotter than the other seventy thousand years, each door is hotter than the other seventy-time doubles, then there led the enemies of Allah swt so when it has to kepintunya greeted by angels Zabaniyah with chains and shackles, the chain was put into their mouths until translucent kepantat, and kelehernya tied his left hand, his right hand being inserted in the chest and translucent kebahunya, and each man was then dragged coupled with syaitannya fell down her face as she was hit by the angels with iron o'clock, each of them want to get out kerana very worried, then implanted into it. "
Prophet Muhammad asked again: "Who is each resident's door?" He replied: "The door to the bottom of the hypocrites, those who disbelieve after miracle of Prophet Isa derived dishes as well as being named Alhawiyah Pharaoh's family. Door both places the idolaters named Jahim, third door where people shobi'in named Saqar. Door fourth place laknatullah devil and his followers of the Zoroastrian named Ladha, fifth door Jew named Huthomah. Door sixth place people Kristien (Nasara) named Sa'ie. "
Then Jibril silent reticent on the Prophet Muhammad so the Prophet asked: "Why do not you explain residents seventh door?" Jibril replied: "It includes people who are innocent of the ummatmu who died have not had time to repent." Then the Holy Prophet fell pengsan when it heard the testimony of Gabriel, so Gabriel lay your head lap Prophet Muhammad Jibril so conscious again, and when it was made aware of the Prophet Muhammad said: "O Jibril, kerisauanku really great and very woe, is there a man from my ummah who will go to hell? " Jibril replied: "Yes, namely a sinner than ummatmu."
Then the Holy Prophet cried, Jibril also crying, then Prophet Muhammad entered into the house and not go out except to pray and then go back and do not talk to people and when the prayer was always crying and asking God Almighty, and on the third day came Abu Bakr ra Prophet Muhammad's house saying: "Assalamu that ahla Baiti mercy. whether it can meet the Prophet Muhammad?" Then no answer, so he pulled over to cry, then Umar came and said: "Assalamu yes ahla Baiti mercy, whether to meet with the Messenger of Allah?" And when she does not get her retort was pulled over and cried, then came Salman Alfarisi and stand at the door while saying: "Assalamu yes ahla Baiti mercy, whether to meet with the Prophet mistress?" And when it did not get her retort, she cried so fell and got up, so to Fatimah's house ra and advance the door he said 'Assalamu daughter of the Messenger of Allah "Incidentally at that time Ali ra gone home, then asked: "O daughter of the Messenger of Allah, verily the Messenger of Allah has not come out a few days except to pray and not saying anything to anyone and also do not allow the people to see him." Fatimah then immediately wear long and so when he went to the house next door the Messenger of Allah and greeted him and said, "I am Fatimah, O Messenger of Allah." Medium Messenger s.a.w. prostrate, weeping, the Prophet s.a.w. raised his head and asked: "Why my baby?" If the door is opened then go into the Prophet Fatimah and when he saw the Prophet s.a.w. wept kerana saw the Messenger s.a.w. sembam kerana face pale and cried a lot and was very sad, and then he asked: "O Messenger of Allah, what happened to you?" Prophet replied: "Jibreel came to me and explained the properties hell Hell and menerangkankan bahawa the topmost portion of all the levels of hell Hell is for my people who commit major sins, then that's what caused me to cry and mourn." Fatimah asked: "O Messenger of Allah, how do I get in?" Prophet replied: "Accompanied by Angels Hell, without blackened faces nor their blue eyes and their mouths shut and not digandingkan with Satan, even shackled or chained." Fatimah asked again: "Then how angels guide them?" Prophet replied: "As for the men pulled his beard while the women pulled her hair, then a lot of the old people of my ummah who complains when dragged to Hell: How old and my weak, so too young to complain: O kemudaanku and I look good, being woman complained: O how embarrassment that brought Angel Malik., and when it was seen by angels Malik then asked: "Who was that, then I never get people who will suffer as people ibi, they do not face black, his eyes are not blue , their mouths are also not covered and not well tied together syaitannya, and not shackled or chained their necks? The angel replied: "Thus we were commanded to bring this to people in such a way." Malik then asked by the angel: "Who, O wretched people?"
In another history say when they escorted by angels Malik always called: "Wa Muhammad." but see the face of the Angel Malik setalh forgot the name of the Holy Prophet kerana great angel Malik, then asked: "Who are you?" They replied, "We ummah who descend Al-Quran and we have been fasting month of Ramadan." Then the angel Malik said: "Al-Quran is not revealed except to the Ummah of the Prophet." So when they cried out: "We are the Ummah of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him" Then the Angel Malik asked: "Did not have no prohibition in the Qur'an of ma'siyat against Allah ta'ala subha grammar." And when at the edge of hell Hell and handed over to the Angel Zabaniyah, they said: "O Malik, I am allowed to cry." Then allowed, then they run out of tears to cry, then cry again with blood, so that the angel Malik said: "I wish these tears occurred worldwide kerana suppose to fear Allah, nescaya you will not be touched by the fire of hell on this day, the Angel Malik The angel said to Zabaniyah: "Throw them into hell." and when you've thrown them scream in unison: "La illaha illallah." then surutlah Fire, Angel Malik said: "O fire, sambarlah them." replied the fire: "How I grabbed them, when they call La illaha illallah. "Angel Malik said:" And the command of Lord of the Throne of God. "then they took them by the fire, there were only up footprints, there are up to kelutut, there are up to come forward. Angel Malik said:" do not burn their face kerana kerana they have long prostration to Allah swt, also do not burn their hearts they have kerana thirst during Ramadan. "So stay in hell for some time, calling:" Yes Arhamar Rahimin, Ya Hannan, Mannan Yes. "Then when it has finished their sentence, then God swtmemanggil Gabriel and asked: "O Jibril, what is the state of the immoral people of the Ummah Prophet Muhammad?" Gabriel replied: "Yes, Lord, you know better." Then commanded: "Go you lihatkan their circumstances. "So they went to the angel Gabriel as Malik who was sitting onstage in the midst of Hell. Malik saw the Angel Gabriel when he immediately got up respectfully and said:" O Jibril, why did you come here? "Gabriel replied:" How can the state maksit entourage of Ummah Prophet? "replied the angel Malik:" It's a state of horrified them and narrow their place, they have burned their bodies except face and flesh and their hearts are still shining faith. "Jibril said:" Open the lid them so that I can melhat them. "Then the Angel of Angels Zabaniyah Malik told unscrew them and when they saw Gabriel bahawa they understand that torture is not the Angel of humans, then they asked:" Who is a very good servant apparently it? "Angel Malik replied:" It was Gabriel who usual bring revelation to the Prophet Muhammad "When they hear the name of the Prophet Muhammad then serentaklah they screamed:" O Gabriel, convey our greetings to the Holy Prophet and we who preach bahawa sinners separated us and convey to him our situation to him. "Then Gabriel returned to Allah swt facing then asked:" How do you see the ummah of Muhammad? "Jilril replied:" Oh my God, how bad their circumstances and narrow their place. "Then Allah asked:" Did they ask you anything? "Gabriel replied:" Yes, they ask conveyed their greetings to the Holy Prophet and reported their plight to him. "Then Allah sent Gabriel delivered all the orders to the Holy Prophet who lived in khemah of white gems, has four thousand pieces of doors and each door has two doors of gold, then Jibril said: O Muhammad, I come to you from the group of people who derhaka of ummatmu are still tormented in hell, they say hello to you and complain bahawa their circumstances are very ugly and very narrow their place. " Then went Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. Throne and bowing down and praising God s.w.t. with words that were never uttered by a creature that Allah swt asked the Prophet: "Lift up your head and ask nescaya will be given, and ask syafa'atmu would have been welcome." So the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. said: "O Lord, the rebellious people of my ummah has been done on them and you repay your law, then accept syafa'atku." God s.w.t. said: "I thank syafa'atmu against them, then go to hell and remove therefrom those who never say Laa ilaha illa Allah." Then went Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. hell and when seen by Malaiakt Malik, then immediately he rose respectfully and asked: "O Malik, how the rebellious state of my ummah?" Angel Malik replied: "It would be bad their circumstances and narrow their place." Then ordered to open the door and lift the lid, then if the people within it sees Prophet Muhammad they screamed in unison: "Yes Prophet Muhammad, the Fire has burned our skin." Then spent it all in the form of charcoal, and then brought them to the river at the door called Nahrulhayawan heaven, and there they bathe and then go out as a dashing young man, beautiful, bright eyes like a month while their faces and their didahi written Aljahanamiyun Hell or people who have freed by Allah swt. Of hell later they entered kesyurga, so if the people it sees the Muslims have been released from hell, they say: "Oh, if only we advance Islam of course we can get out of hell."
God s.w.t. said: "Rubama yawaddul ladzina kafaruu lau kanu Muslims." (The mean) "In one day the unbelievers suppose they want to be a Muslim."
Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. He said: "On the Day of Judgment will soon be brought in the death of the black goat white kibas, then called the heaven and asked:" Is obedient know? "So they see and know, as well as expert hell were asked:" Do know death? " They see and know, then goat was slaughtered between heaven and hell, and was told: "Hi experts now eternal heaven without dying, O expert eternal hell without dying now." That verse: Wa andzirhum yaumal hasrati IDZ qudhiyal Amr (The mean) Warn they will regred  day when death has been abolished. "
Abu Hurairah r.a. said: "Do not be a whore delighted with a delicious kerana namely chased behind him there is a Hell, each coupled reduced flame."

Qualities of Prophet Muhammad SAW

Physical ProphetHas been issued by Ya'qub ibn Sufyan al-Faswi of Al-Hasan bin Ali ra. he said: I once asked my uncle (from mother side) Hind ibn Abu Halah, and I knew the king was very clever mensifatkan behavior Prophet, but I'd love to falsely attributed to me something of his nature that I can mencontohinya, then he said:
The Prophet was a great person who always glorified, beaming moon at night purnamanya decent, not high enough terialu striking, not too short, her field, her hair is always neatly between straight and wavy, and extending to the edge of the ear, dense, black color, broad forehead, brow smooth tapering separate between them, that when the king angrily looks like bercantum, aquiline nose, it seems to radiate light, bushy beard, both of his eyes black, soft and smooth cheeks, thick mouth, clean white teeth and rarely, in his chest grew feathers smooth, elongated neck, a simple shape, burly big man again, equally between his stomach and chest, broad chest, wide between the shoulders, spine large, clean skin, between chest and head full of feathers smooth, on both tits and belly clean of feathers, being in his arms and shoulders and over her chest too hairy, long arms, his palms wide, delicate bones, fingers and palms of both hands feet thick contains meat, long fingers, hollow soles of her feet not touching the ground when the king goes, and feet soft and smooth no folds, as if the high water were gushing thereof, when he lifted his legs lifted gently (do not like the way people brag) , went one-on-one and slowly, the long-term steps such as people who stepped over the precipice, when turned with all his body, his eyes often to the earth, the king looks more look towards the earth rather than look to the sky, the king rarely noticed something with too long, always go hand in hand with her friends, always initiate greetings to anyone he meets.
Traditions of the ProphetI said also: Sifatkanlah me about her habit! Replied my uncle: Was the Prophet seems like people are always sad, always a lot of thinking, never beristirshat long, do not talk when there is no necessity, a lot of silence, talk and spend it commences with all mulutnva, said Her full pearl mauti manikam, one-on-one sentence, it is no exaggeration or continue to decrease, not meek grossly abusive or insulting themselves, constantly raising small favors though, never denounced any favors or overly praise him, no one could relieve angry, humiliated if something of the truth so that he can defend.
In another narration, it is said that the king became angry kerana something world affairs or anything related to him, but when the king was humiliated to see the truth, no one can surpass his anger, so that the king can defend kerananya. Majesty was never angry for her, or something for the sake of defending himself, when mengisyarat presupposed by all her palm, and when the king was amazed reversed his palm, and collected when talking to devote his right palm on the thumb of his left hand, and when angry king king continued to turn away from the direction of the cause he was angry, and when the king happily screwed his eyes, mostly ketawanya is to smile, laugh, and when the king, the king laugh like a cold dew.
Al-Hasan said: All these qualities in me I keep the old as well. Then I spoke about it to the Al-Husayn ibn Ali, and I find It has been first asked my uncle about what I ask it. And he also had asked my father ('Ali bin Abu Talib ra.) About how to exit and enter the king's majesty, about how his seat, instead of everything about the Prophet Muhammad.
Prophet's houseAl-Hasan said ra. again: I never asked my dad about the inclusion of the Prophet and he replied: entry into the house when it is specifically allowed for him, and when the king was in his era shared three parts. A special section for Allah ta'ala, one part for his wives, and one part for himself again. Then made the fullest part for himself with the affairs of which the human, the time spent to serve all the people who lay and special, no one is distinguished from the others.
Between temperament when serving the ummah, the king always gives attention to people who primarily for dididiknya, they served themselves according to their respective advantages in religion. There are no two keperluannya one, and there are more than that, then the king would sit down with them and serve them all affairs relating to themselves and the interests of the Ummah in general, try to show them what you need and tell them what is worth done for the benefit of all people by reminding them, "Let anyone who is present convey to anyone who was not present. convey Remember me needs people who can not deliver their own, because that conveys the purpose Anybody who can not submit to a ruler for itself, undoubtedly Allah will set both his heels in the Day of Judgment ", nothing mentioned in there just the things that is like that only.
Sire of speech does not accept anything but something for his community beneficiaries. They came to him as the people who make pilgrimages, but they are not leaving it to contain. In another narration they not split up but after gathering much avail, and they came out of his association as an expert in matters religious affairs.
Outcomes ProphetAl-Hasan said r.a. again: Then I asked about the situation outside, and what they make? The answer: It was the Prophet Muhammad when outside, always lock the tongue, except if there is an interest in his community. Majesty always be nice to them, and not rude in speech. Majesty always glorify the chairman every tribe and people and put each in their proper place. Sometimes remind people crowded the king, but the king always keep their hearts in order not dinampakkan on them other than a sweet face and a noble moral. Sire is always asking his friends if they did not come, and always inquire of the news and what ditanggunginya crowded. Which is both praised and encouraged, and where the bad heckled and prevented.
Majesty always be mid in all things, not many argue, never fails that they too do not like negligent or perverted, all well and maintained his case, never underestimate or deviate from the truth, the people who always accompanied him was the most well behavior, which is seen beside the main, most can advise, the highest position, most are willing to sacrifice and help in what circumstances though.
Majlis ProphetAl-Hasan said ra. again: I then asked them about the Prophet's house and how? The answer: That the Prophet SAW did not sit in the assembly something, or get up from it, but the king king's remembrance to Allah SWT never choose a certain place, and forbade the request is placed in a particular place. When the king came to something where, that's where the king sat thus completed the assembly and the king ordered to make it that way. When dealing with people crowded given to everyone with eyes equally, so that the people who were in his association felt that nobody would have given him more respect. If there are people who come to him kerana needs something, or something masliahat, the king continued to serve with patience hinggalah him up and back.
Sire is never emptied of people who ask for something the purposes thereof, if there is given to him, and if no answered with words that do not disappoint her. Budipekertinya very good, and its behavior is truly wise. His Majesty regarded everyone as a father, and they were seen at the sides are all the same in terms of their correctness, even-handed. Welcoming all of his association, shy-Silu, patiently waiting, trustful, never heard a high voice, not made her everything dilarangi, not referred to the disgust and bad, all the same except with an excess of piety, all humble self, the old honored the young, and the young are blessed parents, who need to always take precedence, strange always come first.
Al-Hasan said ra. again: I was then asked about the behavior of the Prophet Muhammad to the people who always sit together with him? The answer: It was the Prophet Muhammad always jolly person, easy pekertinya serv, seialu prostrate-soft, not harsh or cruel, rude or not like yelling, no dirty words, no more joking or confabulate not soon forget what she likes, never disappoint those who expect him, do not like to make people despair. Very clear in his behavior following three cases. Majesty does not like criticizing and memburukkannya. Majesty does not like looking for people and not taint one's talking about except that bring benefit and results in rewards.
When the king spoke, everyone who is in his association watched intently as if birds were tertengger over their heads. When the king stopped talking, they had first to speak, and when he spoke anyway, all of them dwelling stonewalling. They never fight in front of him. Majesty laughed when he saw them laughing, and the king was amazed when they were amazed. Sire is always patient when visited by people who are often abusive badwi and pushy when asking for something mahu thereof without succumbing or wait, so sometimes his friends get annoyed and not happy, but the king still soothe them by saying: "If you're someone who needs to come dapati , you ought to help him and not at him! ". His Majesty also do not expect praise than who he helps, and if they want to praise him too, the king does not encourage to do so. Majesty never talked Anybody else cut so that he finished talking, and then the king spoke, or the king away from that place.
Silence of the ProphetAl-Hasan said r.a. again: I was also asked about his silence, how did she? The answer: Silent Prophet depends on four things to consider, namely: kerana civilized manners, kerana careful, kerana consider something between humans, and kerana bertafakkur. The reasons consideration is kerana equation in vision and hearing among men. As for tafakkurnya on what is eternal and that perish. And also collect the properties peribadinya politeness and patience. There is not anything that may cause him to be angry, or make hate. And collected in peribadinya conscientiousness in four cases, namely: Love makes good things and implement them for the benefit of mankind in matters relating to their ehwal mahupun world hereafter, that can be modeled by others. Majesty left the poor, and not made to be shunned by the others. Intent on finding a good way to serious benefits his community, and doing what it can bring benefits for his community, good for the world nor for the Hereafter.
(Excerpt Thabarani - Majma'uz-Zawa'id 8:275)

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The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "At the resurrection day later, Ibrahim, peace be upon meeting with his father, Azar, while Azar faces blackened and dusty. Then Ibrahim, peace be upon him said, 'Did I not forbid you ever to not disobedient to me?' His father replied, 'Today I'm not going to lawlessness unto you.' Then Ibrahim, peace be upon saying, 'O Lord! Indeed, You have promised me that You do not humiliate me on the day they are raised. Then let alone the humiliation more than the abject state of my father who kept away from your grace? 'Then Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says,' Behold, I forbid Paradise for the disbelievers. 'Then asked of the Prophet Ibrahim' peace be upon, 'O Ibrahim ! What's under your legs? 'He was seen below, it turns out there are a figure who smeared feces coyote is seen being lowered, and legs tied and thrown into hell. "

(HADITH  by Al-Bukhari)

The story of the prophet ADAM 'Alaihissalam

After God created the earth with mountains, oceans and sea-grown - its plants, creating a sky with sun, moon and the stars which shine creates a kind of angels are spirits created to serve a mediator between the Almighty with Substance servants, especially the apostles and prophets then came the will of Allah SWT to create another kind of creature that would inhabit and fill the earth keep enjoying its vegetation, managing wealth in them and breed-hereditary heir who has inherited all time
destined for him. The angels when informed by Allah of His will create other creatures, they fear that the will of God created other beings that, due to their negligence in worship and performing their duties or because of their offenses unnoticed. They said to Allah: "O our Lord! Why would God create a creature other than us, but we always exalt, bertahmid, worship and glorify thy name incessantly, being a creature of God will be created and sent down to the earth , He will fight each other, kill each other would-kill scrambling to master the richness seen above and in them, so that there will be damage and destruction on the earth that God created it. "God said, eliminating concerns that the angels:" I know what you do not know and I'm the one who knows the wisdom of the Children of Adam's mastery over the earth-Ku.Bila I have created and breathed his spirit to, you prostrate before the new creature as a tribute and not as a prostration of worship, because Allah swt forbids his servants to worship his fellow creatures. "Then Adam was created by God from a lump of clay, black mud dried and shaped. Once perfected form ditiupkanlah spirit of God's creation into it and stand it upright human being is perfect.

TOTAL Prophets and Messengers in Islam

After reading a number of the Prophet's hadith proved that there are a lot of numbers.
As we know jumlha famous prophet and messenger currently only 25, but the Prophet SAW said that the amount of the Prophet there is 124 thousand people.

Abu Zar asked the Prophet SAW,
"How many of the Prophets?"
Allah's Apostle said,
They numbered 124,000 people, as many as 315 of them were Apostles. "

Thus we can describe that other than the Prophet 25, it turns out there are still so many prophets and messengers throughout the ages.
The number is 124 thousand was of course very much to be able to cover the entire community of human beings wherever they are

The history of Islam and the spread of Islam

The history of Islam and the spread of Islam
Islam emerged in the Arabian peninsula in the 7th century AD when the Prophet Muhammad sawmendapat revelation from Allah swt After the death of Rasullullah s.a.w. growing Islamic empire to the Atlantic Ocean in the west and Central Asia in the East. Over time, Muslims are divided and there are many other Islamic kingdoms that emerged.
Nevertheless, the emergence of Islamic kingdoms such as the kingdoms Umayyad, Abbasid empire, empire Seljuk / Turkish Seljuk, Ottoman Empire, Mughal Raj, India, and the Sultanate of Melaka has been a strong and great the kingdom in the world. A great place to learn the science has to realize that the Islamic civilization agung.Banyak science experts, philosophers and so emerged from Islamic countries, especially in the Golden Age of Islam.
In the 18th century and the 19th century AD, many Islamic regions fell into the hands of the European invaders. After World War I, the Ottoman Empire collapsed last Islamic empire earth worship.
Arabian Peninsula before Islam is a region through which the Silk Road. Most people Arabs / Arab is an idolater, and there are some followers of Christianity and Yahudi.Mekah is a holy place for the Arabs when it karana in situ presence of their religious idols and there is also a lake Zamzam and the most important sanctuary.
Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. was born in Mecca in the Year of the Elephant (570 or 571 Masihi). He was an orphan after his father Abdullah bin Abdul Muttalib and his mother Aminah bint Wahab died. He was raised by his uncle, Abu Talib. Majesty later married to Siti Khadijah and live a happy life.
However, when the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. approximately 40 years old, he was visited by the Angel Gabriel as After some time he taught the teachings of Islam in private to his closest colleagues, known as the "as-Sabiqun al-Awwalun (The first person who embraced Islam)" and so on are open to all residents of Mecca.
In 622 BC, the king and his followers migrated to Medina. This event is called the Hijrah. Other events that occurred after the migration is the start of the Hijrah calendar.
Mecca and Medina to fight later. Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. won many battles despite Tentera Islam among the dead. Eventually the Muslims became powerful and conquered Mecca. After the death of Prophet Muhammad, the entire Arabian Peninsula under Muslim domination.
Islam in Indonesia
Islam has been known to the Indonesian archipelago or the first century Hijaiyah / 7 AD, although the frequency is not too big through trade with Muslim traders who sailed to this region stopped for some time. Introduction of Islam is more intensive, especially in Melyyrfysftdhgdedtrgtfayu Peninsula and Archipelago, lasted several centuries later. The first archaeological evidence of the Islam in Southeast Asia are two Muslim tomb which dates to around the end of the 16th century (sixteen)The spread of Islam
The spread of Islam began shortly after the death of the Islamic prophet Muhammad in 632. Trade that is connected to many areas have helped in the spread of Islam. During his life, the Muslim community in the Arabian Peninsula is present due to the conversion to Islam. In the first centuries of Islam in and have a rapid growth under the Rashidun and Umayyad Caliphate.
Muslim dynasty soon established and subsequent royal as the Abbasids, Almoravids, Seljuk Turks, Mughals in India and the Safavids in Persia and the Ottoman among the largest and strongest in the world. The Islamic world has a center of culture and science sophisticated the future, scientists, tourism, astronomer, physician, and philosopher has contributed to the Islamic Golden Age.
Trade and politics has led to the spread of Islam from Mecca to China and Indonesia, where the largest Muslim community settled there. There are currently about 1.1 billion to 1.8 billion Muslims, making Islam the second largest religion in the world.
/ /Historical records
The early years of Islam portrayed very poorly expansion both in the field of social, historical, and psychological by some historians. The concept of this history is dominated by two stereotypes; popularized by Gibbon in his Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, that a fanatical Arab riding out of the desert with a one hand sword and the Koran other hand offers one as an option to the victim, but "The theory of forced conversion has now been abandoned, at least in the scientific literature".Conversion
Increased conversion to Islam is parallel with the rapid growth of the Arab Empire in the first century after Muhammad died. Immediately established Muslim dynasty in North Africa, West Africa, across the Middle East and Iran. Non-Muslims are not exempt from the economic elite during the caliphate, but non-Muslims are subject to some limitations of political life.