Wednesday, May 1, 2013


The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "At the resurrection day later, Ibrahim, peace be upon meeting with his father, Azar, while Azar faces blackened and dusty. Then Ibrahim, peace be upon him said, 'Did I not forbid you ever to not disobedient to me?' His father replied, 'Today I'm not going to lawlessness unto you.' Then Ibrahim, peace be upon saying, 'O Lord! Indeed, You have promised me that You do not humiliate me on the day they are raised. Then let alone the humiliation more than the abject state of my father who kept away from your grace? 'Then Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says,' Behold, I forbid Paradise for the disbelievers. 'Then asked of the Prophet Ibrahim' peace be upon, 'O Ibrahim ! What's under your legs? 'He was seen below, it turns out there are a figure who smeared feces coyote is seen being lowered, and legs tied and thrown into hell. "

(HADITH  by Al-Bukhari)

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